Meal Prep 

Prepping and packaging your meals is a great way to stay on track. Simple healthy ingredients work best. Most prepped meals will last between three to five days in the fridge. If you want to meal prep for the whole week, schedule two days a week to keep your food as fresh as possible. I prepare my meals on Sunday & Wednesdays. 85-90% of the meals I consume each week are from my meal prep.

These are my go-to Meal Prep Favorites:

Meal Prep 1:


Provence Chicken

Roasted Vegetables


Seasoned Sweet Potatoes


Louisiana Grilled Chicken


Roasted Brussels Sprouts


Simple Sweet Potatoes


Chicken Fajita Strips


Peppers & Onions


Jasmine Rice w/ Dill

Family Favorites

Tips for Healthy Eating

1) Consume a meal every 2-3 hours. Last meal should be at least 2 hours before bed.

2) Drink half your bodyweight in oz. of water every day. Proper Hydration is key to staying focused and optimizing your metabolism.

3) Shop high quality foods. Your protein should be grass-fed, cage-free, organic certified when it fits your budget. You’re paying for better nutrition and less filler.

4) Get more protein. This macronutrient is the raw material of all of your body’s metabolic processes and has the biggest impact on healthy body composition.

5) Eat more greens. Getting a serving of veggies every meal assists in proper digestion and also makes good use of increased protein intake.

6) Choose good carbohydrate sources. White rice, potatoes, quinoa, and fruit (apples, bananas, berries) are all good choices.

7) Limit your starchy carbohydrate intake based on days with low activity.

8) Consume healthy fats - particularly when your carb level is low. Fats like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, animal fat, and avocado help us to regulate body temperature, remove toxins, and repair and fortify cells.

9) Take a probiotic. Probiotics increase the flora in our gut to improve digestion.

10) Use high quality pink, grey or Celtic salt. Electrolytes and trace minerals help you stay hydrated.

11) Avoid Processed foods. Hit the Farmer’s Market. Choose foods with limited and simple ingredients.